Intellectual disability cognitive assessment
Intellectual disability cognitive assessment

intellectual disability cognitive assessment intellectual disability cognitive assessment

The Full Scale IQ: Your child’s IQ score and overall estimate of their cognitive abilities based on their performance across the indexes.Processing Speed: A child’s speed and accuracy of visual scanning, mental processing, motor coordination and visual decision making.Working Memory: a child’s ability to pay attention, take in multiple bits of information, mentally work with it and hold onto it long enough to produce an outcome (the best example of this is trying to memorise the digits of a phone number by repeating them over in your mind until you can write it down).It involves seeing the “bigger picture”, figuring out how things relate to each other and how everything works. The ability to detect underlying relationships between concepts and ‘rules’ in a task to solve this novel problem (aka, can they pick up on what the pattern/ rule is and what strategies they need to tackle a novel visual/abstract problem?). Fluid Reasoning: A child’s ability to think flexibly to solve a new problem using problem solving, planning and their own skillset.Visual Spatial: A child’s visual/spatial/non-verbal reasoning abilities.Verbal Comprehension: A child’s ability to not only understand verbal information, but use their own long term knowledge and vocabulary to accurately express themselves.

Intellectual disability cognitive assessment