The validity of the the Denver II was established by the precision with which the ages corresponding to 25%, 50%, 75% and 90% passing for each item and subgroup had been determined.

The percent agreement rate for each of the four types of reliability was generally high with a few exceptions - both 7-10 day test-retest reliability assessments had mean percent agreement scores of less than 50%. Measurement properties and previous use: Four types of reliability were assessed (inter-rater, 5- to 10-minute test-retest, 7- to 10-day test-retest (same examiner and same observer), and 7- to 10-day test-retest (inter-examiner and inter-observer).

Target Population: Infants and pre-school age children (i.e. The instrument consists of 125 tasks, which broadly reflect the following areas: personal-social, fine motor-adaptive, language, and gross motor. It was designed to assess child performance on various age-appropriate tasks and compares a given child’s performance to the performance of other children the same age. Type of Measure: The DENVER II is a measure of developmental problems in young children.